Risk ratings constitute a canon of international recognition to estimate the efficiency and sustainability of the Financial Institutions.

FIX SCR S.A. Risk Rating Agent
We received from the Risk Rating Company Fitch Ratings Argentina the category A + (arg), with stable outlook to long-term indebtedness, which reflects our Bank’s good performance in recent years and which is expressed in a significant improvement in profitability , asset quality, capitalization and adequate liquidity. Likewise, we reconfirmed the category A1 (arg) to short-term indebtedness.
Additionally, we have the qualifications of our NO (Negotiable Obligations):
> Long term debt: A+(arg), with stable outlook.
> Short term debt: A1(art).
> Corporate Bonds class 15 for $15.000 million: A1(arg).
Full Report of Ratings 2024, enter.
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Evaluadora Latinoamericana S.A. Risk Qualifier
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Full Report of Ratings 2017, enter.
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