Personal Data

The holder of personal data is entitled to exercise the right of access to them for free at intervals of not less than six months, unless a legitimate interest as provided in Article 14, paragraph 3 of the law No. 25,326. NATIONAL ADDRESS PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA, Body Control Law No. 25,326, of the responsible person that care for customer´s complaint.

To execute you right to access, delete or modify your personal data, please send an email to, placing your complete name, attaching a scanned copy of your ID, and detailing your request.
In the case of inquiries, suggestions or claims in the name of Companies or Organizations please send an email to, placing the complete name of the Company, the fiscal ID (CUIT), the complete name and data of the person who is representing the Company in the request, attaching the documentation that backup that relationship and the existence of the Company.