CMF Group
In addition to CMF Bank, the Group’s subsidiaries improve the services offer for customers.

- Stock brokerage firm with headquarters in Argentina.
- Operates in Argentine Stock Exchanges and Markets (BYMA) and in Rosario Term Market (ROFEX).
- Provides stock market operation services, executing orders of clients in private and public securities.

- Family of Investment Funds.
- Managed by CMF Asset Management SAU, based in Argentina.
- Created as an investment alternative in different regions, assets and currencies customers of CMF Bank SA.

- Commercial Bank based in Nassau, Bahamas.
- Provides treasury services and execution on behalf of customer’s transactions in order to buy and sale sovereign and corporate bonds in international markets.
- Direct loans to subsidiaries of Argentine companies in Latin America.
- Participation in structured loans for first level international entities.
- Presents consolidated financial statements with CMF Bank.